Physical properties are everywhere,
in the exploded, expanding universe.
If reality is a multiverse bubble bath
of Einstein’s possible worlds,
at least in our bubble gravity holds power
and time is relative,
and laws of energy are uniform.
I wonder if this holds true for morality,
the sense of right and wrong,
or “should” and “ought to.”
Like, if I met a sentient brother
from another planetary mother,
and we could somehow communicate,
shake hand and tentacle,
all with good intent-icals,
and I could drink a beer
while he ate those little toads
like Jaba the Hut—
yes I’m dissociating, aren’t we all—
would he think murder was wrong
and that some way, some how,
we ought to get along?
While there might be some cultural variance,
if you got past first glance,
are ethics interstellar?
Laugh all you want,
isn’t the ecumenical Jesus
a deep-space rabbi
sent from other worldly realm
to solve a moral dilemma?
By the way, we solved it with God
but not one another.
Just doing some basic theology here:
God help us.